Conference Organizer and Reviewer Guidelines

Part 12: Conference Organizer and Reviewer Guidelines

(Part 12 revised March 2024)

Reviewer Confidentiality Obligation:
IEEE receives papers in confidence and protects the confidentiality of their contents until they are published. As a reviewer, you are obligated to maintain the confidentiality of both the paper you are reviewing and also of your review.

IEEE Policy on Reviewers Using AI:
Information or content contained in or about a manuscript under review shall not be processed through a public platform (directly or indirectly) for AI generation of text for a review. Doing so is considered a breach of confidentiality because AI systems generally learn from any input.

Program Chair Responsibility

  1. Ensure all papers are reviewed by 2 or more qualified reviewers.
  2. All papers are run through a plagiarism checking tool. IEEE uses CrossCheck. Access to this tool can be obtained by conference organizers by contacting the IEEE IPR Department (
  3. All authors sign an IEEE copyright form. Conferences must register to use the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form.
  4. All presentations are on the PES PPT template (this is a requirement, no exceptions can be made).
  5. Ensure that all papers are presented at the conference, and those that are not presented are marked as “non presented” when submitting files for Xplore posting. Any paper that is not presented, must not be posted to Xplore.
  6. Sign the “Checklist” provided by PES Meetings & Conference Dept. (applicable to PES Technically & Financially cosponsored conferences).

Technical Committee Program Chair Responsibility

Some conferences use TCPCs (Technical Committee Program Chairs) for reviewer assignment and session creation.

The responsibility for the review of Proceedings papers submitted to a Technical Committee is assigned to the Technical Committee Program Chair (TCPC) for a specific meeting.

  1. Each paper should have 2 or more reviews.
  2. The TCPC is responsible for obtaining prompt and authoritative peer review(s) of each paper from qualified expert(s) and for evaluating and summarizing the review(s) within the deadline assigned by the Technical Committee.
  3. The TCPC for the reviewing committee has the obligation to reject a paper without further review if it does not meet the requirements outlined in this guide.
  4. The TCPC is also responsible for putting together the technical sessions sponsored by the committee at the meeting.

Reviewer Responsibility

  1. IEEE receives papers in confidence and protects the confidentiality of their contents until they are published. As a reviewer, you are obligated to maintain the confidentiality of both the paper you are reviewing and also of your review.
  2. Reviewers should be selective in their review; review each paper based on the criteria below and rank each paper on a 1-10 scale (1 being poor and 10 being excellent).

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The paper must be in the proper conference paper format.
  • The paper must adhere to the 5 page limit.
  • The paper must meet at least one of the following criteria:
    – Be of interest to the society’s participants and industry stakeholders;
    – Present new methods or novel application of existing methods, analysis or experimentation;
    – Present improvements in and/or new process, design, or technology;
    – Discuss and provide fresh thoughts on the effects of evolving public and environmental policies on the technologies we address and operate.
  • Must clearly express the paper’s major contribution;
  • Be written in clear and understandable English language.
Reasons for Rejection:
  • Plagiarize or regurgitate old and well-proven thoughts;
  • Have copied others’ ideas without proper acknowledgment;
  • Are written exposing the same or similar ideas or represent only a minor variant of a previous publication;
  • Contain gross errors; are poorly written, or written in an obscure manner;
  • Commercial intent. (The paper should focus on the technical merit of the technology, process, or ideas, and should not be overtly commercial or read like a sales brochure for the specific product, make or model types, or services offered.)
Rejection should be accompanied with a specific reason for rejection.

Panel/Plenary Session Presentations

All Panel and Plenary presentations must be provided to PES for posting in the PES Resource Center. To the greatest extent possible, all material should be peer reviewed prior to presentation.

The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) is responsible for all presentation requirements:

  • All presentations Must be on the PES PPT template. As directed by the PES Governing Board, if the presentation is not on the PES PPT template, the presenter may not speak at the session. 
  • All presentations must be non-commercial. The panelist’s company name / logo can be on the first and last slides only.
  • copyright form or consent & release form should be obtained and signed for each panelist.
  • All presentations and copyright forms should be supplied to the Power & Energy Society either by USB or secure cloud method 30 days after the conference ends. (IEEE PES, Attn: RC, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854)

All presentations will be exclusively on the IEEE PES Resource Center (

  • The Meetings Department will administer answering any and all questions received related to the above, and will refer such queries to the SME’s as required to provide the details.
  • 30 Day Due Date.

If you have questions, please email  with the subject heading “Conference Materials Attn: RC”.

Video Requirements

If you are video recording a plenary or keynote speech, the following must be adhered to:

The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) is responsible for all video requirements:

The videos should be supplied to the Power & Energy Society either by USB or secure cloud method 30 days after the conference. (IEEE PES, Attn: RC, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854)

All videos will be exclusively on the IEEE PES Resource Center (

  • The Meetings Department will administer answering any and all questions received related to the above, and will refer such queries to the SME’s as required to provide the details.
  • 30 Day Due Date.

If you have questions, please email  with the subject heading “Conference Materials Attn: RC”.

Power Engineering Letters

The responsibility for the review of Power Engineering Letters rests with the Editor-in-Chief and the Associate Editors who make up the Power Engineering Letters Editorial Board. The review process is the same as that outlined above for Transactions papers. The Associate Editor must make sure that revisions do not exceed 3.5 pages. If they do, they must be returned to the authors. The portal page to the ScholarOne Manuscripts web site for the review of Power Engineering Letters is located at